There are several attributes in which the computer based information works. Broadly the working of computer system is divided into two main groups:

¨      Transaction System

¨      Decision Support System

Transaction System:

A transaction is a record of some well-defined single and usually small occurrence in a system. Transactions are input into the computer to update the database files. It checks the entering data for its accuracy. This means that numeric data appears in numeric field and character data in character field. Once all the checks are made, transaction is used to update the database. Transaction can be inputted in on-line mode or batch mode. In on-line mode, transactions are entered and updated into the database almost instantaneously. In batch mode, transactions are collected into batches, which may be held for a while and inputted later.

Decision Support System:

It assists the user to make analytical decision. It shows the various data in organized way called analysis. This analysis can be made to syrdy preferences and help in making decisions.

Computer system works out best with record maintenance. It will tell you which customer would get how much pending/reports statements. It will also help to search the information about a particular person by simply entering his telephone number. User can store information as per requirement, which can be used for comparison with other reports.

Principles of System Analysis


  1. Understand the problem before you begin to create the analysis model.
  2. Develop prototypes that enable a user to understand how human machine interaction will occur.
  3. Record the origin of and the reason for every requirement.
  4. Use multiple views of requirements like building data, function and behavioral models.
  5. Work to eliminate ambiguity.

A Complete Structure:

The limited time and resources have restricted us to incorporate, in this project, only the main activities that are performed in news sites, but utmost care has been taken to make the system efficient and user friendly.

For the optimum use of practical time it is necessary that every session is planned. Planning of this project will include the following things:

  • Topic Understanding.
  • Modular Break – Up of the Syst
  • Processor Logic for Each Module.
  • Database Requirements.

Topic Understanding:

It is vital that the field of application as introduced in the project may be totally a new field. So as soon as the project was allocated to me, I carefully went through the project to identify the requirements of the project.

Modular Break –Up of the System:

  • Identify The Various Modules In The System.
  • List Them In The Right Hierarchy.
  • Identify Their Priority Of Development
  • Description Of The Modules:

3.2 System Analysis




50%                                     DESIGN






A system analysis is a separation of a substance into parts for study and their implementation and detailed examination.

Before designing any system it is important that the nature of the business and the way it currently operates are clearly understood. The detailed examination provides the specific data required during designing in order to ensure that all the client’s requirements are fulfilled. The investigation or the study conducted during the analysis phase is largely based on the feasibility study. Rather it would not be wrong to say that the analysis and feasibility phases overlap. High-level analysis begins during the feasibility study. Though analysis is represented as one phase of the system development life cycle (SDLC), this is not true. Analysis begins with system initialization and continues until its maintenance. Even after successful implementation of the system, analysis may play its role for periodic maintenance and up gradation of the system.

One of the main causes of project failures is inadequate understanding, and one of the main causes of inadequate understanding of the requirements is the poor planning of system analysis.

Analysis requires us to recall the objectives of the project and consider following three questions:

What type of information is required?

• What are the constraints on the investigation?

• What are the potential problems that may make the task more difficult?

Keeping the above questions in mind and considering the survey conducted to determine the need of the system, the total system was deigned and can be described as under:

The three major parts of the system are:

Providing Information:

The system is effectively used to provide large variety of information to the interested customer. The major purpose of the site is to easily provide transaction details, account details with quick update to latest modifications in the records. This thing is not at all possible in printed material, which are updated only once a few weeks. It also gives information about the general usage of the system for first time visitors. The system itself works as a information provider for BANKING INFORMATION administrator.

Alert when available: Through the survey it was clearly that there is a need to device an alternative way for providing alert facility to the user. Sometimes the product which customer demand is not available at that moment, user can register demand of customer and when its available, system gives an alert to the user that customer had registered a customer request with the same match.

Constraints: After the objectives were clear during the analysis phase, it was essential to understand the constraints in order to plan and avoid problems arising during detailed analysis.

Technologythe customer may be committed to a particular hardware or software solution. The software required in this case is: compete Java developer kit, Microsoft windows environment for MS – access.

Budget if budget is a real constraint, the budget of the new system proposed would be constantly compared with that of the existing system or any Alternatives solution. In this case during the economic feasibility study it has been clearly proved that the new system is definitely more feasible than the alternative solution possible. Organization must implement a system which saves the effort, also its provide an easy method for customer who investigate each detail itself.

Scopewhat is the area under investigation in this project? What are the boundaries of the system? What is the extent of possible usage of the new system?More and more people are now having access to organization and watch independently Details of new upcoming stock. Hence the scope is constantly increasing. However its usage can be increased many folds with a little investment from the organization side by implanting touch screen computer kiosks at various convenient positions at the service station.

Environmental Analysis:

The external entities for an organization are its Supplier’s customers or any individual.


The methods used for gathering information about the existing information system are as followed. 

(a)       Review of records.

(b)       Observation of the functioning system.

(c)        Interviews.

(d)       Questionnaires.

In order to create an informative and practical system, a system analyst would have to have some kind of way to view the current system. Receiving feed back on what can be done to improve the current system, and how much the current system is acceptable to the users.

1) Requirement analysis: –

The main part of problem is to obtain a clear understanding of theneeds of user and  what exactly are desired from the software. It is use for specifying the requirement.

Fact finding tools:

After obtaining the background knowledge, I began to collect data on the existing system’s output, input, and costs. The tools used in data collection / information gathering are:

Review of the written Documents

On-site Observation



Review of documents
On-site observation
Information gathering tools
Data organization

Review of the written documents:

In this phase we analyzed all the documents like the day  supply report, order generating forms, supply forms, account etc. All these things describe the format and functions of the current system included in most manuals are system requirement that help determine how III various objectives are met.

The form is one of the most important sources through which! Draw some conclusion like:

1. Who use the form(s)? How important are they to the user?

2. Do the forms include all the necessary information? What item should be added or deleted?

3. How readable and easy to follow is the form?

4. How does the information in the form help other user make better decision?

5. What other uses does the form offer the user area?

By analyzing all the details we draw a conclusion that what are the merit and De-merit of the current phase. Will the company contain all the back up of all the important document of not sales person contains all the information about the available vehicles or not. But above all there are some problems with the on site observations that one analyst must face during analysis like:

1. Take long time and get inefficient result

2. Attitude and motivation of subject cannot be readily observed

3. Observation is subject to error

4. In a complex situation it can be very time­ consuming

So for this we switched towards the other fact finding tools like interviews and questionnaires.

3 .Interviews and Questionnaires:

The interviews is a face to face interpersonal role situation in which a person called The interview asks a person being interview questions  designed to gather information about a problem area. The interview is the oldest and most often used ]device for gathering information in systems work. It has qualities that behavioral and on-site observation do not possess .it can be used for two main purposes:

(a)      as an exploratory device to identify relations or verify Information

(b)      to capture information as it exists

1. On site observation:

It is not the easy task to do. In the on site observation the main objective is to get close as possible to the real system that are being studied. There are some questions that can serve as a guide for the on site observations:

1. What kind of the system is it? What does it do?

2. Who runs the system? Who are the important people in it?

3. What is the history of the system? How it get to its present stage of the  Development first in this phase we more likely listened than talk and to and to  listen with a sympathetic and genuine interest when information is conveyed. We  have not to give any advice or passing moral judgment on what is observed. Not to  argue with anyone or not to show any hostility towards one person and undue  friendliness towards another.So in the on site observation we first visited to the entire organization watched all the transactions, watched the way of taking orders by the sales executive. What types of forms are used in the entire place? Are all forms are written, printed or not.

There are four primary advantages of the interviews:

1. Its flexibility

2. Easy to validate the information gathered

3. Effective technique for elicit information about complex subject

4 instance, goals must be based on what competitors do.


It is usually associated with the self-administrated tools with items of the closed or fixed alternative type. By this nature a questionnaires offer the following advantages:

(a) It is economical and requires less skill to administer than the interview

(b) Unlike the interview which generally questions one subject at time questionnaire can be administrated to large number of individuals simultaneously.

(c) The questionnaires place less pressure on the subjects for immediate responses. Respondents have to think the question over and do calculations to provide more accurate data.

Mainly interviews and questionnaires are divided into two categories.

1. The unstructured alternative

2. The structured alternative

The unstructured interview is a relatively nondirective information technique. The role of the analyst as an interviewer is to encourage the respondent to talk freely and serve as a catalyst to the expression of feeling and opinions.

In the structured alternative approach the question are presented with exactly the same wording and in the same order to all subjects. Questions may be closed or open ended. An open-ended question requires no response direction or the specific response.

An analyst asks the questions at each level of management either it is top level, middle level or bottom level and at each department in the client’s site and at the manufacturer.

Following are the sample questions which we asked in the form of questionnaires and interviews:­

Samples Questions asked to Computer Operators

(of similar kind of Centers with automized billing systems)

1.) Are you satisfied with the current system?

i. YES                          ii. NO                                iii. Partially Satisfied

2.) On an average how much customers do you get daily?

i. >100                         ii. <100                                iii. Can’t say

3.) Are you satisfied with the facilities available to you?

i. Yes                           ii. NO                                 iii. Partially Satisfied

4.) What type of crowd is there mostly?

i. Students                    ii. Working Personals         iii. General (both)

5.) Who are your regular customers?

i. Students                    ii. Working Personals          iii. Not specific

6.) Which kind of working environment do you have?

i. Crowdy                     ii. Vibrating                         iii. Can’t Say

7.) Which Platform do you work on?

i. GUI Based                 ii. Non-GUI Based               iii. Don’t Know

8.) Which Database is implemented for the Billing System?

i. MS ACESS                ii. MS-ACCESS                  iii. ORACLE

iv. Others (Please Specify) ………………………

9.) Any Suggestions for further improvement?

Samples Questions asked to Administrators

(of similar kind of organizations with automised billing systems)

1.) Are you satisfied with the current system?

i. YES                               ii. NO                                      iii. Partially Satisfied

2.) Are you satisfied with the work done by your staff?

i. YES                               ii. NO                                       iii. Partially Satisfied

3.) What type of up-gradation do you intend to have in the current system?

i. Technical                       ii. Manual                                 iii. Monetary

4.) Which type of promotional schemes you are coming up?

i. Revise discount rates      ii. Add more facilities for customers     iii. None

5.) What do you emphasize on (Regarding type of work done at the center) ?

i. Quality                            ii. Quantity                              iii. Both.

6.) What is the Price/Profit ratio in Off and On season?

i. Positive                           ii. Negative                              iii. Constant/ Average

7.) Are you satisfied with the number of customers coming here?

i. Yes                                   ii. NO                                      iii. Can’t say.

8.) Which Platform do you work on?

i. GUI Based                      ii. Non-GUI Based                    iii. Don’t Know

9.) Which Database is implemented for the Billing System?

i. MS ACESS                    ii. MS-ACCESS                       iii. ORACLE                        iv. Others (Please Specify) ………………………

10.) How much security is needed for the implementation of atomization?

i. Very High                      ii. Average                     iii. Can’t Specify

11.) Any Suggestions for further improvement?

Sample Questions asked to consumers (Center’s customers)

Personal Information:

i. NAME.

ii. Customer Type ->

a. ) School Student     b. ) Collage Student    c.) Working Personal

1.) How do you like the facilities provided by the Center?

i. Good                              ii. Betters than others              iii. Best

2.) Are you satisfied with the Quality of service?

i. Yes                                 ii. No                                       iii. Partially Satisfied.

3.) What do you think about the discount offered?

i. Too Less                        ii. Appropriate                       iii. Should be increased

4.) Is the Price of auto items adequate?

i. Yes                                ii. No                                     iii. Can’t Say

6.) Does the organization need further improvements?

i. Yes                                ii. No                                    iii. Can’t say

Answers we got from various computer operators

(i) 45% answered

(ii) 35% answered

(iii)20% answered

Answers we got from various administrators

(i) 42% answered

(ii) 34% answered

(iii) 26% answered

i – positive answers

ii – Average answers

iii – Negative Answers

Answers we got from various consumers

34% answered

36% answered

30% answered

Identifying Current System Requirements (Software and Hardware specifications)

Software and Hardware Specifications for implementation of the system

(These specifications have been verified by the manager, Deft Infosystems (P) Ltd., New Delhi, as far as the cost is concerned)