students required to submit the synopsis as per their specialization to the imt online under the guidance of the guide who is having 5 years of the experience in the relevant specialization field .

Students are advised to select  unique topic according to thier specialisation and the company for which they are working .This will help students to do  get thier synopsis cleared and help to face viva with confidence

Here is sample of the approved synopsis

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Enrollment No: 132100xxxxxxx
Name: xyz
Area of Specialisation: Systems
Statement of the problem: Online course examinations are useful to evaluate the student’s knowledge using modern computer technology without any effects on the traditional course exam that uses Pens, Papers and invigilators. Online exam can improve the standards of student’s examination whereas the traditional examination system using the pen and paper requires more effort on the part of students and invigilators. Online examinations are considered an important source for exam, and the development of network technology polices has given the possibility to conduct the exams online. The online process and security of the online exam system helps with eliminating cheating.
TOPIC- Evaluation & Comments
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Which business objective(s) you are trying to achieve?
Objectives of the study: 1. To find the day to day Problems faced at Prometric Testing center with the existing examination System. 2. To find how to improve & make more transparent and secure testing System by implemented latest technology in online examination system.
OBJECTIVE- Evaluation & Comments
from Faculty
Methodology: Primary Data
METHODOLOGY- Evaluation & Comments
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Explanation of the Method: Research methodology in a way is a written game plan for conducting research. Research methodology has many dimensions. RESEARCH DESIGN:- The research design used in this study is both ‘Descriptive’ and ‘exploratory’. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE:- The selection of respondents will be doing on the basis of convenience sampling (Non-Probability). Basically I will use random sampling method. STASTICAL TOOLS: MS-EXCEL will use to prepare pie- charts and graphs and MS-WORD will use to prepare or write the whole project report. LIKERT SCALES: A “Likert scale” is actually the sum of responses to several Likert items. These items are usually displayed with a visual aid, such as a series of radio buttons or a horizontal bar representing a simple scale.
Company Profile: Prometric is a trusted test development and delivery provider to more than 400 organizations worldwide. On their behalf, we securely deliver an average of 10 million exams per year to people who are seeking to improve their lives. Whether by starting a new career, further developing their skills to improve on an existing one, adding to their qualifications for a promotion, taking school entrance exams or simply for professional development, people taking tests want a reliable, convenient and hassle-free experience. Prometric serves as an industry gatekeeper, ensuring that people legitimately earn the credentials they seek to achieve, and thereby guaranteeing a fair testing experience for all who come through our doors.
Questionnaire (10 to 15 questions)
1. Do you agree that camera and finger print scanner is to identify the student’s originality? A.Strongly Agree B.Agree C.Neutral D.Disagree E.Strongly Disagree
2. The user after identified login into the system uses the user-id and password provided by the university, which are authenticated by the server. a.Yes b.No c.Can’t say
3. The unauthorized users attempting to log into the system from remote computers are blocked by the proposed system. a.Yes b.No c.Can’t say
4. Once the session begins the timer is on, the student completes his exam within the allocated time and once the time is up the system send an alert and logs the user off. a.Yes b.No c.Can’t say
5. The special exam group is created by grouping the hostnames / IP of clients for a specific location (Computer Lab) and time. a.Yes b.No c.Can’t say
6. The supervisor password is given to the students who are successfully logged into the exam domain. This gives them access to the exam and the exam session begins for that specific exam. a.Strongly Agree b.Agree c.Neutral d.Disagree e.Strongly Disagree
7. The random questions are given to the students, who submit the answers to the server; when the session is completed, the system generates the result of the exam. a.Yes b.No c.Can’t say
8. Do you believe that the online format is considerably superior to paper-and-pencil exams for the courses? a.Yes b.No c.Can’t say
9. Do you think that day to day Problems faced at Prometric Testing center with the existing examination System. a.Yes b.No c.Can’t say
10. Do you agree that Prometric Testing center able to improve & make more transparent or secure testing System by implemented latest technology in online examination system? a.Strongly Agree b.Agree c.Neutral d.Disagree e.Strongly Disagree
Number of respondents: 50
Area of study:
Method you will use to classify data: PRIMARY DATA: Most of the information will be gathered through primary sources’. The methods that will be used to collect primary data are: Questionnaire and online interviews SECONDARY DATA: The secondary data will be collected through:, internet and Magazines.
Method you will use to present data: Tabulation transforms the raw data collected through questionnaire in to useful information by organizing and compiling the bits of data contained in each questionnaire i.e., observation and responses are converted in to understandable and orderly statistics are used to organize and analyze the data: • Calculating the percentage of the responses. • Formula used = no. of responses / total responses* 100 REPORT WRITING AND PRESENTATION Report Encompasses – Charts, diagrams.
QUESTIONNAIRE- Evaluation & Comments
from Faculty
References: 1. J. C. Adams and A. A. Armstrong, “A Web-based testing: A study in insecurity,” World Wide Web, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 193–208, 1998. 2. C. Rogers, “Faculty perceptions about e-cheating during online testing,” J. Comput. Sci. Colleges, vol.22, no. 2, pp. 206-212, 2006. 3. The Blackboard Northern Illinois Univ. [Online]. Available: 4. J. C Adams and A. A. Armstrong, “A Web-based testing: A study in interesting,” World Wide Web, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 193-208, 1998. 5. Jung, I.Y “Enhanced Security for Online Exams Using Group Cryptography” IEEE vol52, issue: 3 Page(s): 340 – 349 Aug 2009. 6. Al-Mashaqbeh, I.F. Al Hamad, A. “Student’s Perception of an Online Exam within the Decision Support System Course at Al al Bayt University” Conference publication Pages: 131 – 135 7-10 May 2010. 7. Eros Desouza, Matthew Fleming, “A Comparison of In-Class and Online Quizzes on Student Exam Performance”, Journal of Computing in Higher Education, Vol. 14(2), pp. 121-134, spring 2003. 8. D. Agarwal, O. Chevassut, M. R. Thompson, and G. Tsudik, “An integrated solution for secure group communication in wide-area networks,” in Proc. IEEE Symp. Comput. Commun., 2001, pp. 22– 28. 9. K. Berket, D. A. Agarwal, P. M. Melliar-Smith, and L. E. M. Ernest, “Overview of the intergroup protocols,” Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., vol. 2073, pp. 316–325, 2001. 10. E. Bresson, O. Chevassut, and D. Pointcheval, “Provably-secure authenticated group Diffie-Hellman key exchange,” ACMTrans. Inf. Syst. Security J., vol. 10, no. 3, 2007, Article 10. 11. 12. www.wikipedia.org13. 14.
Chapterization Scheme:
1. Introduction
2. Review of Literature
3. Objective and scope of study
4. Research Methodology
5. Data analysis and interpretation
6. Findings & Recommendation
7. Conclusion & Limitations
8. Bibliography
9. Appendix
CHAPTERIZATION- Evaluation & Comments
from Faculty
Profile of Project Guide
Name: Gurvinder Singh
Age: 43
Educational Qualification: PGDBM
Years of Experience: 15
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House No:. K-29
Street: Fateh Nagar, Jail Road
City: New Delhi
State: DELHI
Phone Number (Residence):
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PROJECT GUIDE- Evaluation & Comments
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