MBA Project Report For MANIPAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR  is provided by us. is a trusted name of the projects synopsis helpline team. We are helping since 1997 through  is truly dedicated to projects for IGNOU University.

The Project provided by us for Manipul University have 100% approval surety. This surety is due to

  1. Genuine work
  2. According to guidelines
  3. Good Methodology

Checked by professional experts in their specializations.

 INTRODUCTION:- Every learner will undertake Project work in the III semester starting with the synopsis and culminating with the project report as per the guidelines given below. Project may be done either at place of work or any other location, in the chosen area of specialization are required to complete the programme. The Project work is equivalent to four credits. The learner needs to submit the Synopsis and the Project Report will be evaluated based on Content and in the form of Viva-voce. Note: The topic once registered for synopsis will not be change or modify.
  1. Completed project must be typed and formatted neatly and soft copies should be uploaded on or before the submission cut-off date.
  2. Follow the specified format and complete all the details, ensure that your report is according to the specified guidelines, the page limit of project shall not exceed 60-80 pages of A-4 size (including the Synopsis which may range between 6-7 pages).
  3. Use Times New Roman, (Size 14, Bold) for Title, Times New Roman, (Size 12, Bold) for Sub-Titles, Times New Roman, (Size 12) for content, 1” Margin in all sides and Justified alignment for the entire document.
  4. Project submissions are accepted only in .pdf format. Project report submitted in ZIP / RAR or any other format will not be considered for Submission and will be awarded Zero marks.
  5. Multiple submissions are not allowed. Late submissions will NOT be accepted.
  6. Please restrict the project document size to 15 MB. Insert images (wherever required) of very high resolution into the document within the specified file size limit.
  7. Upon successful submission of Project in LMS, you can verify using preview tab the document submitted. In case the file format has been corrupted due to any reason or wrong document submission, will not be considered for evaluation.
  8. If your report is on pen drive, please copy the files to system local drive and then upload your report.

For many more detail Project Synopsis is related please contact us or send WhatsApp message at:

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